MaraNatha Nut Butters

Maranatha needed a new look to launch a totally new product, its no-stir almond butter — and then extend that look to the 30 SKUs in its nut butter line. To compete on crowded store shelves, the new packaging needed to maintain the equities of the MaraNatha brand, communicate key product attributes, and catch the eyes of customers. It also needed to cleanly organize a considerable amount of information on each product’s front panel, while maintaining a cohesive look for all 30 SKUs. Our solution is clean, modern and approachable. Rich photography showcases the quality of the ingredients and deep colors create a dramatic backdrop, allowing the cream-colored panel to effectively draw in the eye. Once there, the customer is presented with a clear hierarchy of information presented in a simple, yet sophisticated, way. The result is a brand identity and packaging that positions MaraNatha as a premium brand and allows customers to quickly differentiate between products.

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